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Assessment at Meadows

At Meadows First School assessment is focused on high quality, in depth teaching which is supported by formative assessment. Assessment is a key part of the teaching and learning process and as such it is ongoing. Teachers assess each child and the class as a whole throughout the day and use this information to plan for next steps and to inform future planning.

Teachers use many strategies to assess children including observations, questioning, dialogue, marking recorded work and testing where appropriate.

Click here to find out about 'Assessment and Tracking' at Meadows First School.

Click here for the Gov.uk page on Meadows First School

Click here for assessment data

Statutory Assessments

There are now four statutory assessment points for First Schools.

We are required to assess children against the Early Years' Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) at the end of the Reception year and then against the National Curriculum levels at the end of Key Stage one (Year 2). The children in a phonics screening at the end of year one. Year 4 children sit a multiplication check at the end of the year.

Early Years' Foundation Stage Profile: Throughout their time in Reception, staff assess children by working alongside them, observing their learning and achievements and recording these against Early Outcomes using an online system called 'Tapestry'.

This information is gathered and is used for the completion of the EYFSP. Parents have regular daily opportunities to be informed about their child's progress, as we operate an 'open door' policy. We also invite parents to contribute to the assessment process through 'wow' moments and through joining in with weekly session. There are more formal opportunities at parent teacher consultations and through their child's report.

Year One Phonics Screening

Each child undertakes phonics screening to ensure that they can read a set number of 'real' and 'alien' words using taught blends in phonics. We give guidance to parents to support children with their phonics in meetings at school in both Reception and in Year 1. Support ideas and activities can be found in the 'info for parents' section on the website.

End of Key Stage One Assessments

Each child is assessed during the summer term in year two. Most of these assessments take place in May, so we ask that parents do not take their children on term time holidays during May.

Teachers assess each child's attainment against the National Curriculum level descriptors for Speaking and Listening, Reading, Writing, Maths and Science.

These assessments are informed by statutory tests or tasks for Reading, Writing and Maths.

Parents receive a record of their child's attainment along with national figures for comparison.