Working together with the Community.
At Meadows First School,we believe that Community Cohesion is about creating a school environment in which every member of the community has a common vision and a sense of belonging where their backgrounds and circumstances are appreciated and valued.

We define 'community cohesion'; as working towards a society in which:
- There is a sense of belonging by all communities
- The diversity of people's backgrounds and circumstances are appreciated and valued
- Similar life opportunities are available to all
- Strong and positive relationships exist, and continue to be developed in the workplace, school and wider community
- Social mobility is encouraged and facilitated
The school defines 'community' in a number of ways:
- School community - the children we serve, their families and our staff members
- Our local community - our geographical community, and the people who live and/or work in our area
- The community of Britain -
- The global community.

At Meadows, we are proud of the links we have formed with members of the local community. We visit places of interest in our local community and have visitors from our local area to come and see us in our assemblies and lessons.
Please see the document below to see examples of our school working with the local and wider community.