School Council
A school council is a formal group of students elected to represent their peers in discussions with the headteacher and staff on various school matters. This is an excellent way to empower students and amplify their voices, ensuring their perspectives are considered in shaping the school environment. School councils are a key element of Pupil Voice, where students play an active role in influencing decisions that impact their education and overall school life.
The idea of a school council aligns with the principles outlined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, particularly Article 12, which emphasises a child’s right to express their views freely on all matters affecting them. By electing their representatives and contributing to decisions, students are exercising their rights to participate in decisions that shape their educational experiences. School councils are typically elected annually by their peers, ensuring a democratic and inclusive process. Through this, school councils play an essential role in fostering responsible citizenship, leadership, and community involvement amongst students.