We offer you all a very big welcome to our school! If you are looking to join us from September at Meadows First School, then please CLICK HERE. If your child is already in Reception or Nursery, please read on. Click on Meadows Mouse to access any links below:
For NURSERY induction please see class pages - on the Ducklings page
Helping with PHONICS
We follow Little Wandle for our phonics learning in school. Here is the powerpoint from the meeting delivered this term, along with some ideas and resources to help you with supporting phonics at home. (powerpoint from the phonics meeting)
The picture link above will take you straight to parent support from Little Wandle - this video will demonstrate how to pronounce the sounds. It will also show you how we teach blending to read and also how to segment to write. You will find this useful when helping your child.
Please use the rhymes from Little Wandle (click the term below for the correct sounds) to say when you are trying to form each letter.
Autumn 1 sounds Autumn 2 sounds Spring 1 sounds
Here are some of our resources that you can use to help support phonics using Little Wandle - please ask if you would like paper copies of these instead:
Additional Resources:
Here are some games to play at home to help you with supporting Phonics:
Silly Soup Dan the Rhyming man (stick this onto a box and cut a hole for the mouth - use to post through rhyming objects or words) Writing box leaflet Play Doh Recipe (great for developing fine motor control). Top Marks have some additional fun games for phonics, including skywriter which teaches you how to write letters correctly.
NUMBERS: Here are some ideas to help with numbers in the Early years. We try to do as much practical work as possible - children love to use numicon, real objects, play-doh, conkers, acorns, egg boxes etc to learn about number. We love to sing lots of number rhymes and songs as these will help too! Click on Meadows Mouse for our number help sheet.
number guide for parents
5 cheeky monkeys song
bus number game
Bud's number game
Top Marks - a great website for fun number games
Transition into Reception Sept 25-26 intake coming in Spring 2025 - but take a look here for some general info)
We hope that you will find this information useful to help you and your child prepare for school. Please click on each Meadows Mouse picture to download the different information packs:
NEW Reception leaflet - brief guidance for parents (to be updated for 25-26)
NEW key information (for parents) (to be updated for 25-26)
All about Me (fill in with your child and email it to the office please!)
Starting times RECEPTION September 2024
Please look on our Class pages - Goslings/ Cygnets for more reception ideas!
Reception Staff
The teachers and teaching assistants have posted a video of themselves reading a welcome story to you. Now that you know your classes - click on the teachers' names to watch the story:
Cygnets: Mr Wilbrooke Mrs Sohna Goslings: Mrs Tromans Miss Pritchard Mrs Mobbs
The teachers and support assistants would also like to tell you a bit about themselves too! Click on their names below:
You can email the class teachers using: or, or you can email the office directly:
Mr Wilbrooke
Mrs Sohna
Mrs Tromans
Miss Pritchard
Mrs Mobbs
Mrs Wyton
Miss Banks
You might like to click on this link: which offers some really useful information on starting school and how to prepare. There are some useful links to follow for learning, but the most important thing is to talk positively to your child about getting ready for school and teaching them to be as independent as possible (see our INFO booklet above).
The following leaflets are from NAHT and offer some guidance for starting school:
Children Parent Guide
Ready to Learn
Giving your child a helping hand
Click here to learn about Signalong