Early Years
Photos above show the Reception classrooms and some of the outside learning area.
Click here for more photos of the exciting activities to do in Reception.
Reception Curriculum and a year overview
Early Learning Goals (to be assessed at the end of the Reception year)
Photos above show some more areas of the curriculum, such as exploring loose parts in both number and expressive arts and design. The dragon was part of our exploration on China in understanding of the world.
Little Wandle is our chosen SSP - click on the link Phonics Help and please click here for a PPT delivered this year to support parents at home.
If you are a new parent and your child is starting in September, please click here.
If your child has already started in Reception or Nursery, then please CLICK HERE for information on how to support your child in school.
In Nursery and Reception, we were very proud to have been awarded the Early Years' Quality Mark onwards. We were assessed every 2 years after this and retained it each time.
The curriculum is planned from the Early Years' Foundation Stage (EYFS) Statutory guidance, covering the 7 areas of learning, which are taught through the 'characteristics of learning'. It is a play based curriculum which embraces children's own desire for learning through natural curiosity, imagination and creativity. Exciting and engaging activities are planned for both inside and outside starting from planned curriculum as well as using the children's own interests. British Values are actively taught within the EYFS as part of our 'rights respecting school' - for example, we talk about the right to our own opinions and beliefs and respecting each other. We also talk about 'democracy' through voting and choice in our role play area, or which book we might read at the end of the day. Some of the activities are child led, encouraging the children to develop independence, social skills, self esteem and language, whilst allowing them the opportunity to embed new learning and skills. Other activities are adult led, where the children will work alongside the teacher or teaching assistant to work on next steps in their learning. As well as freeflow into the outside classroom,the children also go to Forest School on a weekly basis to try out new challenges and providing the opportunity for risk taking in a safe environment.
Exploring Forest School - all of our teachers are level 3 Forest School Leaders
Please go to the class pages for 'Goslings' and 'Cygnets' to see some of these exciting activities. Further information is also to be found on the menu at the top under 'Parents' and then look on 'supporting your child'.
If you need further help, then please contact Mrs Dwyer (Early Years lead and Deputy head), who will be pleased to help you and offer support.